bubo virginianus การใช้
- Spotted owls prey on flying squirrels and snowshoe hares, and are themselves preyed on by great horned owls " Bubo virginianus ".
- Its body mass is about the same on average as the great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ) but has a proportionately much longer tail and wings than that species.
- The spectacled owl is typically the largest and most dominant owl in its range, with the larger great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ) rarely venturing into true rainforest habitats.
- One pair of golden eagles killed but did not eat three great horned owls ( " Bubo virginianus " ), implying that they were killed in nest defense and not in predation.
- Owls such as great horned owls ( " Bubo virginianus " ) and eastern screech owls ( " Megascops asio " ) have been known to assault yellow warblers of all ages during night.
- It has traditionally been classified as a subspecies of the great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ), but is now frequently treated as a separate species based on differences in voice and size and because of the genetic distance between the two.
- Nothing is known about behavior or diet . " P . simplex " has frequently been found in pellets of the barn owl ( " Tyto alba " ) and also in those of the great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ).
- In North America, great horned owls ( " Bubo virginianus " ), golden eagles ( " Aquila chrysaetos " ), and bald eagles ( " Haliaeetus leucocephalus " ) are the only major predators of ospreys, capable of taking both nestlings and adults.
- While wintering, rough-legged buzzards or hawks may be vulnerable to predation by night to Eurasian eagle-owls ( " Bubo bubo " ) or great horned owls ( " Bubo virginianus " ) and rarely, during day, other large " Buteo " hawks, including those of their own species.
- Northern goshawks ( " Accipiter gentilis " ) and crows may prey on juvenile spotted owls, while great horned owls ( " Bubo virginianus " ), red-tailed hawks ( " Buteo jamaicensis " ), and golden eagles ( " Aquila chrysaetos " ) are likely predators of both juvenile and adults.
- Another demonstration of the importance of ear asymmetry in owls is that, in experiments, owls with symmetrical ears, such as the screech owl ( " Otus asio " ) and the great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ), could not be trained to locate prey in total darkness, whereas owls with asymmetrical ears could be trained.
- In comparison, the barn owl ( " Tyto alba " ), the world's most widely distributed owl species, weighs about 500 g ( 1.1 lb ) and the great horned owl ( " Bubo virginianus " ), which fills the eagle-owl's ecological niche in North America, weighs around 1.4 kg ( 3.1 lb ).